
這跟Getty Center很像,裡面也是展了很多的文物,不過我更喜歡這邊,這邊本來是一個人的家,之後把他捐出來,當作一個展覽館。其實我一直覺得,我不會想要一個大房子,我只需要一個溫暖幸福的房子。家最重要的就是裡面有滿滿的愛,當家人可以團聚在一起,把房子氣氛變得很溫暖,很幸福,這樣才重要。如果大家都不想待在家中,諾大的房子中,只剩下冷冰冰的空氣,再豪華的房子也就沒有家的感覺。看著這樣大的房子,想著主人是一個怎樣的人,會是一個慈祥的老夫妻呢?還是事業做很大,但是卻常常忙到沒有自己時間的生意人呢?不管怎麼樣,現在的這裡,變成一個觀光景點,供人參觀。不過這裡需要先預約才可以進來,沒有預約票可是無法進來參觀。
讓我刻劃我未來的家,一定要有後院,想要有一個盪鞦韆,家裡走典雅的風格,在帶一點點可愛風,牆壁希望可以用浪漫的藍色當底色,呈現象在大海一樣,自由自在地感覺。在主臥室裡面,有一間很大的walking closet,我可以盡情地在裡面當公主,換上喜歡的衣服,在鏡子前欣賞鏡中的自己,不用在意別人的眼光,就像飛在天中的小鳥一般,自由自在。不知道要多久才會擁有自己的一個家,但我相信,我的家,會是幸福,溫暖,有一個白馬王子願意牽著我的手走下去的地方。

The place is similar to Getty Center, so it has so many exhibitions. However, I like here more, it used to be someone else’s home. He/she donated this place for museum where people can see more exhibitions. For my point of view, I don’t care how big for my house. The most important, I want my house to be warm and happiness. The house should has full of love which make family do gathering, and every member in this house will feel warm and happiness. If no one want to stay in this house, its worthless to have a significant house. I am imagining who was the owner for this house. Are they friendly couple or someone who is really successful business who don’t have his/her own time? No matter who is the owner, it becomes a popular view in LA now. You need to make a reservation ahead, or you can’t visit here.
My dream house needs to has a backyard, because I can play on the swings there. I love a classic with cute style inside, and the wall can paint with light blue which like the ocean gives people more freedom. I want to have a walking closet in my bedroom, because I can be my own princess inside. I can change every style in front of mirror which I love without caring other people’s thinking, and its just like a bird which fly freedom in the sky. I don’t know whcn can I have my own house, but I believe my house will be the most warm, and happinest with someone who willing to hold my hands forever. 











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