這是現在台灣炒得沸沸揚揚的甜甜圈,也是我滿愛的一間店,不過最近有朋友推薦另外一間聽說比這個厲害,改天我來嘗試在分享給大家。看到新聞據說要排上2~3個小時,我其實也見怪不怪了,還記得過去mister donuts剛開始時,大家也是爭相排隊,但是現在這個局面已經不會再看到。畢竟滿山滿谷的mister donuts,到哪裡都吃得到。這是早上去買的時候,沒有半個人在裡面,我還是第一個客人。不過他們現烤出來的甜甜圈是真的好吃,入口即化。如果想吃到最新鮮出爐的甜甜圈,不妨在早上5點當個“早起的鳥兒有蟲吃”,或是下午5點時來買最新鮮的甜甜圈。我記得上次我排隊是因為在12/12號,有買一盒送一盒的活動,不過也只等了20分鐘。當時要幫同事買甜甜圈,我還被店員認出來(因為一人只能限買一組,而我折回去又排一次隊伍),害我頭都抬不起來,真的超級丟臉。有吃過這家的人,出個聲吧?
This is the most popular donut in Taiwan now, and its the one of my favorite donut shop as well. My friend recommend other one better than this one to me recently, so I will share to you guys after I try it. Its not so surprised when I saw the news lining in 2~3 hours for Krispy Kreme in Taiwan, because everyone is crazy for mister donut few years ago. However, you don't need to line in for mister donut anymore which open franchisees everywhere in Taiwan. The photo I took this morning, and I am the only customer in this store. I really enjoy their warm donut, especially it melts in your month. If you wanna try the fresh one, you can come either in the early morning at 5:00 or the late afternoon at 5:00. I still remember I line in this donut at 12/12, because they do buy one get another one free. Luckily, I only wait 20 minutes for this deal. Its so embarrassed that I need to buy this for my co-worker at that day, and the cashier recognized me at that moment. (Coupon is 1 time use only, but I line in twice in the line afterward ). Have you have this donut so far, jut let me know your feeling?