這座山裡面有一座小瀑布,所以走到最裡面時,會看到小橋流水的景色,這座山有別於平常的山,這是在森林小道中穿岩,感覺自己像要來練武功一樣,而11月去的時候,正逢楓葉變黃,變紅的時候,走在這個小逕中,內力會大增不少。不過這個地方沒有免費停車場,所以如果一群人要來爬山的話,最好是do carpool,然後開1,2台車上來就好,不然依次停車費是5元,如果你喜歡嚐嚐來的話,不然買個年票,一年是30元。是我在LA爬過這麼多山中,非常喜歡的一座山。
The waterfall is in the end of the mountain, so you can see the pretty waterfall. This mountain is different than other mountain, because its in the forest. You are going to practice your kung-fu when you walk in this forestry trail. When I hike in the early November, the maple changes to yellow and red. There is no free parking, so you can do carpool with your friends to save money. The parking is $5 per time, and if you enjoy here you can buy annual pass for $30. This is one of my favorite mountain in LA so far