來美國也4年了,度過了5個聖誕節,記得第一年是在oklahoma,那時剛來,那年下了大雪,我跟室友到外面唯一一家有開的pizza店,買回家過第一個聖誕節,第二年跟我韓國室友來到西岸自助行,雖然沒有東岸的冷颼颼。但是依舊有濃濃的聖誕意境。第三年跟朋友到加拿大跟魁北克過節,在不同的國度,也有不同的感覺。第四年,去了溫暖的坎昆跟紐澳良,雖然沒有雪花的聖誕節,但是暖暖的天氣配上聖誕樹,也是一種好風景。今年,我去了羚羊谷,也在LA當地去了The grove, Americana and Mission Inn 看lightening。雖然5年的聖誕過了,但是這些聖誕樹,對我來說,都是滿滿的回憶。未來我還要再跟更多的聖誕節,不管是在美國,或是其他國家,祝大家聖誕快樂,希望今年大家都有一個很棒的聖誕節。
I been to USA for 4 years, but its my 5 Christmas till now. I remembered my first year at Oklahoma, and its the snow storm outside. My roommate and I went out to find a restaurant, luckily, there is a pizza store still open. Then we bought a pizza to celebrate together. At second year, my korean roommate and I visit Western for 20 days. Although its not cold as Eastern, it still has a feeling full of Christmas. The third year, I went to travel to Quebec and Montreal for Christmas, in the different country has different feeling. At the fourth year, I been to Cancun and New Orleans, even it didn't have snow outside, the good weather with Christmas tree still so good. This year, I visit Antelope Canyon and the grove, americana, and mission inn for lightening. Even I been here for 5 years, I still like Christmas. No matter where I am in the future. I hop everyone has an awesome Christmas this year.