舊金山的漁人碼頭,從35~39號都是屬於碼頭,而最著名的就是pier 39,而在這邊也可以搭船去對面的惡魔島,只要20分鐘就可以到,不過要先預約,因為一天都有名額限制,所以我門上次沒機會過去,所以下次我一定要去參訪。來這個碼頭,一定要喝巧達濃湯,這是大家來一定會點的食物。他特別的是它是裝在一個圓形的麵包中,而這個麵包是有點微酸,我還以為是壞掉了,真像鄉巴佬。在假日時,碼頭還會有很多街頭藝人,讓碼頭增添很多顏色。
Fisherman's wharf from NO.35~39 in SF, and the famous one is pier 39. You can also take a boat to Alcatraz from this pier, and it only takes 20 minutes. However, you need to make a reservation first, I didn't know it before I travel to SF. Thus, I will go next time when I travel to SF again. When you visit this wharf, you can't miss clam chowder, everyone will order it here. It makes by a round with sour bread which make this clam chowder special, and I think its rotten when I drank it. What a countryman! During the weekend, there has a lot of buskers will performance here, and it will add a lot of colors in this wharf. Walking along the wharf, you can see many boats are stop by there, and there is a place where you can see cute sea lions that attract so many families to walk here. Furthermore, the shops are crowded not only for visitors but also for local people. The view makes this cold December more warming.
Fisherman's wharf from NO.35~39 in SF, and the famous one is pier 39. You can also take a boat to Alcatraz from this pier, and it only takes 20 minutes. However, you need to make a reservation first, I didn't know it before I travel to SF. Thus, I will go next time when I travel to SF again. When you visit this wharf, you can't miss clam chowder, everyone will order it here. It makes by a round with sour bread which make this clam chowder special, and I think its rotten when I drank it. What a countryman! During the weekend, there has a lot of buskers will performance here, and it will add a lot of colors in this wharf. Walking along the wharf, you can see many boats are stop by there, and there is a place where you can see cute sea lions that attract so many families to walk here. Furthermore, the shops are crowded not only for visitors but also for local people. The view makes this cold December more warming.