我去過這麼多的city hall,我真的覺得每一個city hall都有自己的味道,而有些很威嚴,有些很氣派,雖然都是在美國,不過還是有東西,中南部之分。西部人的比較熱情,東部的人比較冷,是不是因為東部的陽光比較少呢?因為在boston生活2年的我,發現那邊的人多半已黑色為主,且感覺比較憂鬱,我記得我冬天穿了一個橘色的外套時,大家的目光一直在我身上,似乎我是一個外星人。來到加州後,沒有什麼機會穿到大外套,不過我還是很喜歡這邊的天氣,每天早上可以跟太陽公公說早安,真是幸福。
I been so many city hall in USA, and I feel its so different in each state. Some are magnificent, and some are fancy. Although it all in USA, it still have different among western, eastern, and middle area. Is it because its cold in east coast which cause western people are more energetic and eastern people are more cold. When I studied in Boston for 2 years, I can feel most of people wear black which make them blue at their face. I remembered I wear orange jacket in the winter, surprised everyone look me as an alien. Furthermore, I moved to CA for goods, and I don't have chance to wear my heavy jacket. Luckily, I have a chance to say "hi" to my lovely sun, what a happiness time.