這應該是傳說中世界上最難走的路吧,又抖又斜又彎曲。在40度的陡坡上,有8個急轉彎,所以在這裡,車子只可以前進,無法後退,如果你自認開車技術很好,一定要去試試看你的技術噢。卡車應該無法開進去,一定會被卡住。我想我開車技術這麼的不好,一定會撞到旁邊吧。我也覺得買在這旁邊的人家太厲害了,他們每天都要很戰戰兢兢的停車吧?且會一直聽到剎車的聲音,因為這邊的時速一定連5 mile都沒有,不過這就是人生,不是嗎?人生不可能永遠是直的,一定會是彎彎曲曲,且當你走了一步後,就不可以再往回走了。不過就是因為不知道前面是什麼,更加讓人想要往前走,因為這樣的人生才刺激阿。崎嶇的路可以激蕩起漂亮的火花。
This is the hardest road in the world. because its so cliffy, curvy and tilt. They have 8 curves in a road, and the car can only drive forward not backward. If you think you have a perfect drive skill, you need to try here to test it. If a truck drives there, it should be stuck into this road. Furthermore, I respect someone live here. because they need to bother by every driver's break all day in 365 days. You don't allow to drive more than 5 miles at this road, and I think I may hit at the road for my suck skill. The curve road can represents our life, because our life can't always be smooth. Thus, you can't go back if you already walk for the first step. However, we need to walk forward because we don't know what's going on in the front. The road has more challenges that we will work hard to stimulate pretty end for the future.