聯合廣就像SF的心臟,跟time square是紐約的心臟一樣。它正對Macy百貨,且附近有很多商場,是一個繁華的地方。在聖誕節的期間,會有聖誕樹在這個廣場,讓溜冰的人可以在這個溫暖的聖誕樹下,感受到幸福的感覺。而他有一個著名的愛心地標上面有金門大橋的的logo,在聖誕節前夕,愛心真的可以給人開心溫暖的感覺。正逢聖誕節,不妨帶著你的另一半,到這個地方感受一下。能在高大的聖誕樹下,一起跨過2013年,擁抱14年,再給對方一個真誠的吻,在兩個小小的世界中,有著大大的幸福。
Union square is as a heart in SF, and its the same as the time square is a heart in NY. It's in front of Macy's, and there are bunch of shopping places close by. When christmas is coming, it will have a huge christmas tree stands in the center of the square. Its really warm for someone who do ice skating in the union square, and people can feel happiness with this christmas. Furthermore, they have a heart shape landmark which print Golden Gate Bridge logo on it that you can take a photo with it. In this coming count down, ask your lover to go together. Asking someone who can pass through 2013 and embrace 2014 with you. Then give someone a sincere kiss, its a big happiness between you and your lover's small world.